Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New Horses and Facing Fears

Sorry for the long break over the summer! I've been so busy with horses and school work,  I just had practically no time to keep up a blog! But I'm back in business now. A lot of interesting things have happened in my absence from this blog, but the most important thing is that we rescued our first horse! Her name is Jasmine and she's been with us since October 4. She just got out of quarantine and has settled in nicely with the herd. She's a gorgeous paint mare, and came from Sugar Creek Auction in Ohio. We acquired her from the Fisher Sale Barn in Pennsylvania. Below is a picture of our beautiful Jasmine!

Today I longed Dougie for the first time in months. To be honest with you, I've been pretty scared. Back in August, he developed the habit of taking off while being led or longed. I was dragged several times and got pretty bruised up. After some round pen work, he got better, but I was still too scared to longe him out of the round pen. But today I finally got around to it, and he was on his best behavior! 

So I'll be back on as often as I can be. I'd love to keep this blog ongoing but it depends on my school and horse work. Good luck everyone!

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